Annual Assessment Reporting

Each year, undergraduate programs submit an Annual Assessment Report that clearly and succinctly provides evidence of direct full-cycle assessment and reflections on assessment efforts. Specifically, the reports include:

  • Assessment Methods: How students demonstrate knowledge or skills in a directly measurable way. The rubrics used to know students have achieved success.
  • Outcomes: What all graduates from the program need to know and be able to do.
  • Results: What outcomes indicate about student learning. What the patterns or trends are in student learning.
  • Actions: What the program did to improve or change based on what was discovered through analyzing and reflecting upon the results.
  • Full-Cycle Impact: What the impact was of changes on student learning and success, and what the plan is to reassess in the future.

Annual Assessment Reports are due on November 1st of each year (unless accredited college requests otherwise).

The assessment reports are evaluated by the Assessment and Accreditation staff using the Undergraduate Assessment Report Evaluation Rubric.

The following file should be used as a template for reports submitted in the Fall of 2024:

For more information about undergraduate Annual Assessment Reporting, please see the FAQs or contact Kristin Nagy Catz, Director of Assessment.

Workshop Materials and Handouts

Assessment benchmarks allow undergraduate programs to create measurable standards for students. Direct and indirect assessments are used during the full-cycle assessment process and are vital to comprehensive student learning. Download the PowerPoint slides: