Crosslisting a course is a mechanism to facilitate multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary instruction. Crosslisted courses are offered by more than one academic unit and:
a) contain the same title, credits, description, and prerequisites; and
b) include a distinctive statement at the end of the description to indicate that the course is crosslisted. Example: CROSSLISTED as FE 307/FOR 307.
Each participating academic unit must share in the development and teaching of the course.
Proposing or changing a crosslisted course requires a New Course or Change proposal and can be accomplished with a single proposal, but must include liaison with each participating academic unit’s department/school heads/chairs and colleges, and with other affected units (i.e., academic units that may use this course as a prerequisite).
Procedural Change:
When a proposal to create or change a crosslisted course reaches the Curriculum Coordinator, the academic unit will create an administrative record in the Curriculum Proposal System (CPS) for the other course(s). These additional proposals, in draft format, will be expedited through the CPS by the Curriculum Coordinator.