Blanket or reserved numbered courses may be taken for more than one term and the credits granted vary according to the amount of work completed. Examples include 401 Research and Scholarship and 407 Seminar. For more information, see the Blanket Numbered Courses policy.


Required Information

  • Complete all mandatory fields (boxes outlined in red), including course details, in the course proposal.
  • A course syllabus and liaisons are not required.

Approval Deadline

  • New courses or changes to existing blanket numbered courses can be implemented as early as the following term. The catalog year policy does not apply.

Proposal questions? Contact CM's Curriculum Coordinators.

Curriculum Proposal Software

How do I learn to use CIM?

Check CIM Support Materials and Proposal FAQs for quick starts, videos, and tips. Contact [email protected] to arrange for an individual or a group training.