Courses found in the table below, including their course descriptions and learning outcomes, were approved by the Transfer Council.  The first group of courses (2022 CCN: COMM 100Z through WR 227Z) were approved in December 2022, appeared in the Academic Catalog, and were available for student registration in Summer Term 2023.  The second group of courses (2023 CCN: BA 101Z to PSY 202Z) were approved in December 2023, appeared in the Academic Catalog, and were available for student registration in Summer Term 2024.  The third group of courses (2024 CCN: BA 169Z to SOC 206Z) were approved in December 2024, and will appear in the academic Catalog and be available for student registration for Summer Term 2025. 

The following table provides a summary of the changes to OSU catalog based on the newly aligned CCN courses.  For more details on learning outcomes and other aligned components, please view the Fall 2022 Summary of Approved CCN Courses, the Fall 2023 Summary of Approved CCN Courses, and the Fall 2024 Summary of Approved CCN Courses.  

Former OSU Course # and Prefix Former OSU Course Title Former OSU Course Credit CCN Aligned Course # and Prefix CCN Aligned Course TItle CCN Aligned Course Credit Impact at OSU (beyond adding Z to the Course #)
CCN courses available for registration Summer Term 2023
None None None COMM 100Z Introduction to Communication 4 COMM 100Z will not be taught at OSU and will articulate as "COMM LDT"
COMM 111, 111H Public Speaking 3 COMM 111Z, 111HZ Public Speaking 4 Increased from 3 to 4 credits 
COMM 218, 218H Interpersonal Communication 3 COMM 218Z, 218HZ Interpersonal Communication 4 Increased from 3 to 4 credits
MTH 105 Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics 3 MTH 105Z Math in Society 4 Increased from 3 to 4 credits 
MTH 111 College Algebra 4 MTH 111Z Precalculus I: Functions 4  
MTH 112 Elementary Functions 4 MTH 112Z Precalculus II: Trigonometry 4  
ST 201 Principles of Statistics 4 ST 243Z Elementary Statistics 4 Course number changed 
WR 121, 121H English Composition 4 WR 121Z, 121HZ Composition I 4  
None None None WR 122Z Composition II 4

WR 122Z will not be taught at OSU and will articulate as "WR LDT"

WR 327, 327H Technical Writing 3 WR 227Z, WR 227HZ Technical Writing 4

Increased from 3 to 4 credits

Changed from upper division to lower division

CCN courses available for registration Summer Term 2024
BA 101 Business Now 6 BA 101Z Introduction to Business 4 Decreased from 6 to 4 credits
BA 211, 211H Financial Accounting 4 BA 211Z, 211HZ Principles of Financial Accounting 4  
BA 213, 213H Managerial Accounting 4 BA 213Z, 213HZ Principles of Managerial Accounting 4  
ENG 104 Intro to Literature: Fiction 3 ENG 104Z Introduction to Fiction 4 Increased from 3 to 4 credits
None None None ENG 105Z Introduction to Drama 4 ENG 105Z will not be taught at OSU and will articulate as "ENG LDT"
ENG 106 Intro to Literature: Poetry 3 ENG 106Z Introduction to Poetry 4 Increased from 3 to 4 credits
PSY 201, 201H General Psychology 4 PSY 201Z, 201HZ Introduction to Psychology I  4  
PSY 202, 202H General Psychology 4 PSY 202Z, 202HZ Introduction to Psychology II 4  
CCN courses available for registration Summer Term 2025
None None None BA 169Z Data Analysis Using Microsoft Excel 4 BA 131 will discontinue, and BA 169Z will be created and offered 
BA 230, 230H Business Law I 4 BA 226Z Introduction to Business Law 4 Course number changed 
BI 221, 221H Principles of Biology: Cells 4 BI 221Z Principles of Biology: Cells 5 Increased from 4 to 5 credits
BI 222, 222H Principles of Biology: Organisms 4 BI 222Z Principles of Biology: Organisms 5 Increased from 4 to 5 credits
BI 223, 223H Principles of Biology: Populations 4 BI 223Z Principles of Biology: Ecology & Evolution 5 Increased from 4 to 5 credits
CH 231, 231H General Chemistry 4 CH 221Z General Chemistry I 4 Course number changed 
CH 232, 232H General Chemistry 4 CH 222Z General Chemistry II 4 Course number changed 
CH 233, 233H General Chemistry 4 CH 223Z General Chemistry III 4 Course number changed 
CH 261, 261H Laboratory for Chemistry 231 1 CH 227Z General Chemistry I Lab  1 Course number changed 
CH 262, 262H Laboratory for Chemistry 232 1 CH 228Z General Chemistry II Lab 1 Course number changed 
CH 263, 263H Laboratory for Chemistry 233 1 CH 229Z General Chemistry III Lab 1 Course number changed 
ECON 201, 201H Introduction to Microeconomics 4 ECON 201Z Introduction to Microeconomics 4  
ECON 202 Introduction to Macroeconomics 4 ECON 202Z Introduction to Macroeconomics 4  
MTH 251, 251H Differential Calculus 4 MTH 251Z Differential Calculus 4  
MTH 252, 252H Integral Calculus 4 MTH 252Z Integral Calculus  4  
MTH 253 Infinite Series & Sequences 4 MTH 253Z Calculus: Series & Sequences 4  
SOC 204 Introduction to Sociology 3 SOC 204Z Introduction to Sociology 4 Increased from 3 to 4 credits
SOC 205, 205H Institutions and Social Change 3 SOC 205Z Social Change and Institutions 4 Increased from 3 to 4 credits
SOC 206 Social Problems and Issues  3 SOC 206Z Social Problems  4 Increased from 3 to 4 credits
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I search for CCN courses at OSU?

Searching for the newly aligned CCN courses in the Schedule of Classes requires that you add a Z or an * to the search. The * serves as a ‘wildcard’ in the search functionality and will serve up results inclusive of any course with your search language. For example, you may search for WR121Z or WR121*.  

Both COMM 100Z and WR 122Z are part of the state of Oregon’s new common course numbering project but are not courses that OSU offers. 

What happens if I need to repeat a course that is now listed as a CCN course?

Course numbers that maintained the same level (i.e. lower division/upper division) and were changed via Common Course Numbering (Z) and (HZ for Honors courses) are equivalent to their predecessor numbers, even if their credits have changed. For example, WR 121Z is equivalent to WR 121 and follows repeat logic as if they are the same number. COMM 111H is equivalent to COMM 111HZ even though the credits have changed.

Courses that change course levels (ex: WR 327 to WR 227Z) are not equivalent due to a change in level but are mutually exclusive, meaning students cannot register for WR 227Z if they have previously passed WR 327.  We have a mutual exclusion webpage with more information.

Why is OSU not offering WR 122Z? What happens if I take this course at a community college?

Why is OSU not offering WR 122Z?

OSU has not offered WR 122Z for at least 30 years.  In 2022 the HECC/Writing CCN workgroup approved WR 122Z as the Common Course Number across Oregon's public higher education institutions. 

As work on the writing courses for CCN occurred, so did the approval of OSU's new general education program, Core Education, set to launch summer 2025.  Core Education intentionally embeds the Core Transfer Map into our Foundational requirements (WR 121Z, Math, Arts and Letters, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences).  OSU no longer has a writing 2 requirement, since the Core Transfer Map similarly has no such requirement. For additional details and context, please refer to the WR 122Z memo.

Listed below are the writing courses in the common course numbering system and how they intersect with our current Baccalaureate Core and our future Core Education:
  • WR 121Z
    • OSU will continue offering and accepting WR 121Z
    • It will satisfy the Writing I requirement for Baccalaureate Core
    • It will satisfy the Writing Foundation requirement for Core Education
  • WR 122Z
    • Because OSU does not offer a WR 122, and Core Education does not have a Writing II requirement, we discontinued offering WR 222 in summer 2023
    • We will continue to accept WR 122Z as “WR LDT”
      • It will continue to meet the Writing II requirement for Baccalaureate Core
      • It will not meet the Writing Elevation requirement for Core Education
  • WR 227Z
    • Historically, OSU taught Technical Writing at the 300-level (WR 327) and articulated transfer courses from community colleges to “WR 327 (Lower Division)” – indicating the content was the same, but students were awarded lower-division credit for the course.
    • In alignment with CCN, OSU will offer and accept WR 227Z
    • It will satisfy the Writing II requirement for Baccalaureate Core
    • It will satisfy the Writing Elevation requirement for Core Education