Nationally in higher education, a microcredential is a digital badge students earn by completing coursework that offers a specific set of skills and knowledge. Oregon State’s microcredentials entail a series of courses, offered at the undergraduate or graduate level, that are comprised of at least three courses and a minimum of 8 credits. As part of each microcredential's requirement, students must complete at least one course in the microcredential after the microcredential program has started. All course credits used to complete a microcredential must be completed in academic residence at OSU.


Step 1: Determine if a microcredential is the right offering for your academic unit

  • What are the goals of your microcredential?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • How does this series of courses (at least three courses and a minimum of 8 credits) constitute a body of work that serves as a microcredential?
  • What skills will students develop in your proposed microcredential?
  • How are those skills relevant in the workplace?
  • Does your microcredential address at least one of the following goals from OSU’s Strategic Plan 4.0?
    • Preeminence in Research, Scholarship, and Innovation
    • Transformative Education that is Accessible to All Learners
    • Significant and Visible Impact in Oregon and Beyond
    • A Culture of Belonging, Collaboration, and Innovation


Step 2: Develop your microcredential

Courses must be offered via Ecampus with all requirements available in that modality. Courses may also be offered on campus if desired.

Ecampus approvals are required for new online microcredentials prior to the curricular approval. Please contact Shannon Riggs, Ecampus Executive Director of Academic Programs and Learning Innovation, if you are interested in exploring offering a microcredential via Ecampus.

Tips for microcredential development
  • Selecting courses with no prerequisites creates a more marketable option for new, non-degree students interested in this short-form offering
  • Courses should be offered throughout the year such that students can complete all three courses within an academic year


Step 3: Submit your microcredential proposal

  • Go to CIM (Miscellaneous Requests)
  • Click on the green "Propose New Miscellaneous" button
  • In the form, select "Microcredential" as the Request Type
  • Complete the form and submit

Questions regarding the CIM form or the submission process? Contact [email protected]

Proposals for new microcredentials should be submitted in CIM no later than week 5 two terms prior to the proposed term of offer. For example, in week 5 of fall term for a spring term initial delivery.


Step 4: Microcredential committee/university-level review and approval

The OSU microcredential committee (comprised of academic and professional faculty) will review the proposal and provide feedback. Final approval of proposed microcredentials is the responsibility of the microcredential committee.

Questions regarding microcredential implementation after committee approval? Contact Jarrell Townsend at the Office of the Registrar. Also see the Microcredentials page on the Office of Registrar website.