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Slashlisted courses are offered at both the undergraduate 400-level and graduate 500-level. Students wanting undergraduate credit register for the 400-level course and those wanting graduate credit register for the 500-level course. Undergraduate students can enroll in the 500-level course with permission from the instructor but only the 400-level course can be listed in undergraduate program requirements. Some graduate pathways, like the Accelerated Master’s Platform, allow 500-level courses to count towards undergraduate programs, though they cannot be formally listed in undergraduate program requirements.
Slashlisted courses must provide students who are enrolled in the 500-level course with education and training that satisfies all of the following conditions. Evidence of the following distinctions must be clearly stated in the syllabus:
In addition, slashlisted courses must clearly articulate the graduate level learning outcomes expected of students in the 500-level course, as distinct from the outcomes expected of those registered in the 400-level course.
In most cases this distinction should include emphasis on developing skills in analysis, synthesis, and/or evaluation for the 500-level course, as opposed to, or in addition to, acquisition of knowledge, comprehension and application of information, which are more characteristic of undergraduate curricula. In addition to different student learning outcomes, there should also be appropriate differences in instruction and evaluation procedures.
Slashlisted courses must contain the same title, credits, and course description. Academic units wanting to add the 500-level to a 400-level course or the 400-level to a 500-level course must submit a course proposal to the curriculum proposal system. Catalog Year policy applies. Blanket-numbered and special topics courses are not eligible for slashlisting.
Approved By | Date |
Faculty Senate Curriculum Council | 06/10/2024 |
Faculty Senate Curriculum Council | 11/28/2018 |
Faculty Senate Graduate Council | 11/02/2018 |
Faculty Senate Graduate Council | 03/13/2003 |
Faculty Senate Curriculum Council | 04/25/2002 |