The Student Learning Experience survey (SLE) offers students and instructors the opportunity to work together to improve the quality of teaching at Oregon State University. This process was known as the electronic Student Evaluation of Teaching (eSET) from 2012-2021 and the SET from 2004-2012.

Through SLE, instructors are able to ask students for input on their teaching methods in a personalized fashion that goes beyond the set of standard university questions.  Students are then invited to provide feedback on their learning experience to their instructors in a convenient and confidential manner. The SLE is aligned with the Quality Teaching Framework adopted by the Faculty Senate in 2021.

The Survey Design

The SLE consists of 14 survey questions and two open response questions. The questions were developed in alignment with the three categories of the Quality Teaching Framework adopted by the Faculty Senate in 2021. The questions address: 1) Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Learning; 2) Teaching as a discipline; and 3) Mentorship. All survey questions are posed on a scale of 1-6 with an "unable to answer" option. Instructors may also opt to ask students for input on their teaching methods by adding their own questions.

The previous questions most heavily relied on for promotion and tenure still exist until new guidelines are established. These questions are Q1, "The course as a whole was" and Q2, "The instructor's contribution to the course was".

Accessing the System

Students, faculty, and certain departmental and college staff are able to access SLE by logging into MyOregonState and searching for Student Learning Experience survey. The button below also will take you to the SLE:

SLE login

The Process

After the course withdrawal deadline, information regarding courses, instructors, and students is uploaded from Banner to the SLE system. Instructors are then invited to add any additional questions to the standard set of university questions. A few days later, students are invited via email or Canvas to begin the survey process.

Following the end of the survey period and after final grades are due, reports are generated. Instructors then are informed via email that reports are available. Certain administrative staff from academic departments, colleges, and campuses are also able to view reports for their specific programs.