A unique syllabus is required for all locations (Corvallis, Cascades, Hatfield, La Grande, Portland) and all modalities (Ecampus, hybrid, lecture/lab) the course will be taught. However, only one syllabus needs to be attached in the course proposal with the exception as follow:

  • For Core Education course proposals, a syllabus must be included for each location and each modality the course will be taught, including when only one version (location or modality) is being added or changed.
  • For Special Topics (e.g., X99), Blanket Numbered (e.g. 401-410), and Experimental (X) courses, no syllabus is required in the proposal.

The Graduate Council and/or Curriculum Council may request additional information including but not limited to syllabi unique to specific locations and/or modalities if either Council feels they are needed before moving the proposal forward in the curricular review process.

Each syllabus must fulfill the Syllabus Minimum Requirements listed below. Courses in the following categories must meet additional requirements as indicated in the appropriate section(s):

  1. Ecampus online or Hybrid course
  2. Baccalaureate Core Category course
  3. Writing Intensive Curriculum (WIC) Course
Syllabus Minimum Requirements
  • Course Name
  • Course Number
  • Course Credits and Class Meeting Times. Include the number of credits and the course meetings times per week in lecture, recitation, laboratory, etc. The course credit numbers and class contact hours should match according to the course credits policy. For asynchronous learning in online and hybrid courses, omit the class meeting times.
  • Prerequisites and/or Corequisites. Indicate ‘None’ if there is no prerequisite or corequisite. For additional information, see the prerequisites and corequisites policy. An Experimental “X” course cannot be a prerequisite for other courses. Baccalaureate core courses are generally not permitted to have or even suggest prerequisites as per the criteria and rationale for being in the Baccalaureate Core.
  • Catalog Course Description. This should be 50-100 words. Sentences should start with action words like explores, examines, emphasizes, builds etc.  Avoid phrases such as "This course is designed to...", "Students will learn...". See course description guidelines for more information. Additional information beyond the catalog course description is optional to include. 
  • Course Content. List weekly schedule. If it is not possible to list the weekly schedule, include a concise outline of topics and activities covered in the course.
  • Course Specific Measurable Student Learning Outcomes.
    • What will students be able to do after completing this course? Avoid using non-measurable action word such as ‘Understand’ or “Demonstrate an understanding of..”. See Bloom’s Taxonomy and Action Verbs for more details. For Slashlisted 4XX/5XX courses, list additional learning outcome(s) for the graduate level course.
    • How will the students’ learning be verified? Ensure the learning outcomes are aligned with the assessment. See guidelines on students learning outcomes for more information.
  • Evaluation of Student Performance. Describe how the learning outcomes will be measured through assessment. List the breakdown of the assessment (in either points or percentage) and the grading scale (Example: A+ = 95-100, A = 90-94, B+ = 85-89; etc)
  • Learning Resources: List textbooks, reading materials, software, equipment, etc. For course cost transparency to students, it is compulsory to indicate if the learning resources listed are required or optional.
  • Five compulsory University-wide course statements:
    1. Academic Calendar
      All students are subject to the registration and refund deadlines as stated in the Academic Calendar: https://registrar.oregonstate.edu/osu-academic-calendar
    • Statement Regarding Students with Disabilities
      Accommodations for students with disabilities are determined and approved by Disability Access Services (DAS). If you, as a student, believe you are eligible for accommodations but have not obtained approval please contact DAS immediately at 541-737-4098 or at http://ds.oregonstate.edu. DAS notifies students and faculty members of approved academic accommodations and coordinates implementation of those accommodations. While not required, students and faculty members are encouraged to discuss details of the implementation of individual accommodations.
    • Student Conduct Expectations link:  https://beav.es/codeofconduct
      (URL must be shown)
    • Student Bill of Rights
      OSU has twelve established student rights. They include due process in all university disciplinary processes, an equal opportunity to learn, and grading in accordance with the course syllabus: https://asosu.oregonstate.edu/advocacy/rights
    • Reach Out for Success*
      University students encounter setbacks from time to time. If you encounter difficulties and need assistance, it’s important to reach out. Consider discussing the situation with an instructor or academic advisor. Learn about resources that assist with wellness and academic success at oregonstate.edu/ReachOut. If you are in immediate crisis, please contact the Crisis Text Line by texting OREGON to 741-741 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

*For Ecampus online or hybrid courses, use the Ecampus Reach Out for Success statement instead.

  • OPTIONAL to include in the syllabus:
    • Student Learning Experience Survey
      During Fall, Winter, and Spring term the online Student Learning Experience surveys open to students the Wednesday of week 9 and close the Sunday before Finals Week. Students will receive notification, instructions, and the link through their ONID email. They may also log into the survey via MyOregonState or directly at https://beav.es/Student-Learning-Survey. Survey results are extremely important and are used to help improve courses and the learning experience of future students. Responses are anonymous (unless a student chooses to “sign” their comments, agreeing to relinquish anonymity of written comments) and are not available to instructors until after grades have been posted. The results of scaled questions and signed comments go to both the instructor and their unit head/supervisor. Anonymous (unsigned) comments go to the instructor only.
Ecampus Online or Hybrid Course

In addition to the Syllabus Minimum Requirements, an Ecampus online or hybrid course must include:

  • Under Course Credits, a statement on the number of hours on average that students will interact with course materials. For example, “This course combines approximately 90 hours of instruction, online activities, and assignments for 3 credits.”
  • Ecampus Reach Out for Success
    University students encounter setbacks from time to time. If you encounter difficulties and need assistance, it’s important to reach out. Consider discussing the situation with an instructor or academic advisor.
    Learn about resources that assist with wellness and academic success. Ecampus students are always encouraged to discuss issues that impact your academic success with the Ecampus Success Team. Email [email protected] to identify strategies and resources that can support you in your educational goals. 
    If you feel comfortable sharing how a hardship may impact your performance in this course, please reach out to me as your instructor. (Instructors: consider tailoring this statement to your personal voice.)
    • For mental health:
      Learn about counseling and psychological resources for Ecampus students. If you are in immediate crisis, please contact the Crisis Text Line by texting OREGON to 741-741 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
    • For financial hardship:
      Any student whose academic performance is impacted due to financial stress or the inability to afford groceries, housing, and other necessities for any reason is urged to contact the Director of Care for support (541-737-8748).
Core Education Category Course

In addition to the Syllabus Minimum Requirements, a Core Education category course syllabus must:

  • Include the appropriate verbatim statement based on the following:
    • For courses in Core Education and Baccalaureate Core: "This is a Core Education course that fulfills the requirements for the [category name] category. In addition, this course also fulfills the Baccalaureate Core requirements for the [category name] category."
    • For courses in Core Education only: "This is a Core Education course that fulfills the requirements for the [category name] category."
    • For courses in Baccalaureate Core only (no change from the current sentence): "This course fulfills the Baccalaureate Core requirement for the [category name] category."
  • Include the 3 relevant category learning outcomes verbatim in an explicitly identified and labeled list which is located near the course fulfillment statement (see above).
  • Make a direct, clearly stated connection between each listed Core Education category learning outcome and specific attributes of the course content. The level of detail used should make it evident to students how different aspects of the course fulfill the specific category learning outcomes.
  • Include a clear description to students how the Core Education category learning outcomes will be assessed within the course. Assessments need to be described in enough detail that the connection between assessment method and learning outcome is apparent. (simply stating “exam, quizzes, homework, class discussion” will not provide enough detail)

Note: The Baccalaureate Core Committee strongly suggests that the requirements associated with the second, third, and fourth bullets be placed together within a matrix table.

Writing Intensive Curriculum (WIC) course

In addition to the Syllabus Minimum Requirement, a WIC course syllabus must:

  • Include verbatim: “This course fulfills the Core Education requirement for the WIC category for students majoring in _________."
  • Include the 3 WIC learning outcomes verbatim in an explicitly identified and labeled list which is located near the course fulfillment statement (see above).
  • Make a direct, clearly stated connection between each listed WIC category learning outcome and specific attributes of the course content. The level of detail used should make it evident to students how different aspects of the course fulfill the specific category learning outcomes.
  • Include a clear description to students how the WIC category learning outcomes will be assessed within the course. Assessments need to be described in enough detail that the connection between assessment method and learning outcome is apparent. (simply stating “exam, quizzes, homework, class discussion” will not provide enough detail)

Note: The Bacc Core Committee strongly suggests that the requirements associated with the second, third, and fourth bullets be placed together within a matrix table.

Under the Students Performance Evaluation, the syllabus must also make it clear that:

  • Grades for writing making up at least 30% of the course grade
  • Individual writing comprises at least 25% of the course grade
  • Students individually write and revise (after feedback) at least 2,000 words in formal, graded writing - about 10 pages
  • Revision of the 2,000-word formal writing is required, not optional
  • The total word count for formal writing is at least 4,000 words (2,000 counted for the draft or drafts and 2,000 counted for the final copy)
  • Informal, ungraded writing comprises about 1,000 words (or enough to make the total word count at least 5,000)
Revised By Approved By Date
Faculty Senate Baccalaurete Core Committee (updates to Core Education statements) 08/15/2023
Faculty Senate 12/09/2021
Faculty Senate Curriculum Council 12/09/2020
Faculty Senate Curriculum Council 11/04/2020
Faculty Senate Curriculum Council 05/29/2020
Faculty Senate Curriculum Council 05/08/2020
Office of Academic Programs and Assessment (URL update) 01/21/2020
Faculty Senate Baccalaureate Committee 01/06/2020
Office of Academic Programs and Assessment (URL update) 06/28/2019
Office of Academic Programs and Assessment (URL update) 11/29/2017
