Accessing the CPS Archive

The Curriculum Proposal System (CPS) archive contains program (major, minor, option, certificate) and course proposals submitted between 2001 and November 2020, with the exception of new program proposals submitted before 2010.

Questions? Contact [email protected].

Using the CPS Archive


  • Use the Advanced Search panel on the left-hand side. Do not use the search bar at the top of the page.

  • If you know the proposal number, you can search for it in the "Contains all of" field. You also can search for the course number, program title, or key words.

  • Use quotes around the search term, such as "FOR 431", to reduce the number of proposals in the results.

  • Do not change the "Exact phrase," "From the Host," or the "Collections" fields.

  • The "Capture date range" fields do not filter by the date the proposal was submitted to the CPS.


  • If the proposal you're searching for isn't on the first two pages of results, click "Sort By: Best Match." This may move the proposal higher up the results list.
  • The search results contain all CPS proposals, including those which were sent back to the originator, so some proposals will have more than one version.
  • Scroll through the results to find the relevant proposal. Effective term is not listed in the results so you will have to click on a proposal to find the most recent version.
  • When you select a proposal, you will be taken to a screen with the CPS interface.
  • Look at the status line near the top of the page to determine if you are looking at the approved version. "Status: approved" indicates the final version of the proposal for the approved effective term. "Status: Sent back" and "Status: Draft" indicate unapproved proposals.
  • While you can follow some links from the CPS interface, such as to other versions of the proposal, do not click on "All Proposals" because you will not be able to search from that screen. You also will not be able to log in and see "My Proposals."


Need help finding a proposal? Contact [email protected].