Required Information
Early Alert form. Submit this form before you begin filling out the new certificate proposal.
A proposal in CIM
At least three liaisons
A minimum of two Academic Liaisons must be from outside the college associated with the Originating Academic Unit.
The remaining liaisons can be from within the college but must be outside the Originating Academic Unit.
At least one letter of support from a contact external to OSU, such as appropriate faculty at another institution of higher education.
Budget narrative and tables (Budget Preparation Instructions, OSU Internal Budget Worksheet Form)
Approval Deadline
New certificate proposals must be fully approved by the end of week 6 of the term prior to when the program will be implemented. Certificate change proposals must be approved by May 1 for the changes to take effect the following catalog year. See the catalog year policy for details.
Proposal questions? Contact CM's Curriculum Coordinators.
OSU's program development is guided by rules from Oregon's Higher Education Coordinating Commission.
Curriculum Proposal Software
CIM for Programs login
For creating new programs (majors/degrees, certificates, options, and minors) and editing existing programs.
CPS Archive
For viewing proposals submitted prior to November 16, 2019.
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Archive directions
How do I learn to use CIM?
Check CIM Support Materials and Proposal FAQs for quick starts, videos, and tips. Contact [email protected] to arrange for an individual or a group training.